Monday, January 10, 2011

Always Talking About The Weather

Personally, I was delighted with all the snow.

When we woke up Saturday morning, we got up very early because we were supposed to be helping our church deliver 8800 food boxes to our community. So much for that. It was cancelled due to a massive dumping of lake effect snow! So instead, we were quite content to stay inside, venturing out only to clear a path between the house and the garage, and eventually to shovel the driveway. At it's highest point, the snow was level with our front porch, which is appoximately 30 inches off the ground.

So I got a lot of crocheting done, and experienced great joy, as I recieved several requests from friends and potential new customers on my Etsy webshop.  Alex shovelled and napped and then later in the evening we rented a movie after venturing down to the grocery store for some bread and eggs. Pizza Hut provided our dinner. Snow days are wonderful. They provide excuses to be lazy that no one thinks twice about.

Well, for today, it's back to the yarn basket and crochet hooks. There are 4 new orders to fill and I am pretty pleased about it.

1 comment:

Family Fashion and Facts said...

So glad you have orders!! Praying your business takes off! God has given you an awesome talent!!